Leadership Development with a Difference

Helping leaders at all levels be the best they can be.
LeadershipEQ is a framework to help leaders understand and apply the major aspects of leadership.
This includes:
WHO a leader IS;
WHAT a leader DOES; and
HOW a leader CONNECTS.
While the majority of popular literature on leading focuses on the big-ticket items such as engagement, culture, and performance, the LeadershipEQ approach digs deeper and considers the hundreds of micro-experiences that you and your team experience daily.
It is the sum of these small acts which contribute to your effectiveness as a leader
LeadershipEQ is about DOING, not just knowing.
There are 10 Elements of LeadershipEQ
WHO a leader IS
1. The CONTEXT in which you are a leader
2. Leadership of SELF
WHAT a leader DOES
3. Completing the TASK
4. Develop and support the INDIVIDUAL
5. Establish & maintain the TEAM
6. Engendering TRUST
7. RESPECT of others and others having respect for you
9. CONFIDENCE in others and others having confidence in you
10. CONSISTENCY of your actions
Want to know more?
The book "LeadershipEQ: Everyday Leadership for the Everyday Leader" provides the details of this framework.